Drake Tax - PA: 4562 Assets Flowing to Schedule C-2
Article #: 14813
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
How to get assets to carry from the federal 4562 screen to the PA Schedule C, page 2
Generally, when assets are entered on the 4562 depreciation detail screens, with C selected in the FOR drop list, they will automatically carry to the Pennsylvania Schedule C, page 2, part C-2, or the attachment PA EF ATE.
Assets will not carry to the PA C-2, if any of the following conditions apply:
Assets expensed using section 179
Amortized assets
Fully depreciated assets
Assets directed to the AUTO instead of the C when mileage is taken instead of expenses
To indicate to which line of the Schedule C-2 an asset should flow, use one of the following indicators:
Use the appropriate keyword for the Description field.
Note that the description must either contain or start with the term indicated below for the asset to carry to the specified line.
Under the State Specific Information section, select the State as PA, then choose the appropriate Asset type in the Asset type drop list.
Choose the Listed Property type in the Listed Prop Type drop list.
Line | Description contains | Asset Type | Listed Property |
4A Buildings | Building BLDG | 05 | |
4B Furniture/Fixtures | Furniture
Fixture Furniture and Fixture |
09, 10, 11 | |
4C Transportation Equipment | TRANS
Trans Equip TE (starts with) |
30, 31, 32 | V, E, T, H, or N |
4D Machinery | Machinery
Other Equipment OE (starts with) |
15 or 16 |
If none of the options above are used, assets will carry to lines 4E-4P or to the overflow attachment PA EF ATE entitled Electronic Filing Attachment PAC Sch C2 (Depreciation).