PA - Schedule D Not Produced

Article #: 18529

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:Drake Tax

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In an individual return, Pennsylvania Schedule D is not produced if the gain/loss is zero. (Review Federal Schedule D in View/Print mode.)

You can force the PA Schedule D to be produced by following these steps:

  1. On federal screen 8949, change the ST drop list to 0 to prevent the amount from being reported twice.

  2. Manually enter the sale on PA screen D, with the following exception:

    1. Enter the Sales Price with "$0.45" more than the Cost/Basis.

    2. Press Ctrl + F to force the amount to be accepted.

      • For example, if the actual sales price was $15,000, type 15000.45 and press Ctrl + F to go to the next field. Then enter the Cost/Basis without any decimal amount (15000).
        Image showing how to force PA Schedule D to be produced when the gain/loss is zero.

  3. Repair the return by pressing Ctrl + Shift+ R.

  4. Recalculate, then view the return.

  5. PA D (SCHD0001) is produced in View/Print mode, showing zero gain or loss.
    Image showing PA Schedule D produced with a zero gain/loss after being forced.