Drake Tax - 1040: Railroad Retirement Benefits (RRB)
Article #: 11716
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Where to enter information from Forms RRB-1099-R and RRB-1099
Look at the bottom left side of the form to see if it is an RRB-1099-R or RRB-1099.
Form | Entry Screen |
RRB-1099-R | Screen RRB (Income tab) |
RRB-1099 |
Screen RRP (Income tab). For Medicare premiums, enter RRB-1099 box 11, Medicare Premium Total, in the field labeled Description of amount in box 3: Medicare premiums deducted from benefits on screen RRP. Alternatively, enter box 5 amounts on screen 3, line 6a, in the field Net railroad Social Security equivalent Tier 1 benefits received for 20YY. If box 5 amounts are entered on screen RRP and line 6a of screen 3, they are totaled on the return. |
The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board explains:
"Form RRB-1099 reports the Social Security Equivalent Benefit (SSEB) portion of tier 1 and special guaranty benefits paid and repaid to citizens and/or residents of the United States, and the related U.S. Federal income tax withheld. SSEB payments are similar to social security benefits for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
Form RRB-1099-R reports the taxable amounts paid, repaid, and the related U.S. federal income tax withheld from, the Non-Social Security Equivalent Benefit (NSSEB) portion of the tier 1, tier 2, vested dual benefit (VDB), and supplemental annuity payments. These payments are treated as private pensions."
Also see Publication 575 and the 1040 Instructions for details.