Drake Tax - 8949 - Import Transactions, PDI Indicator or PDF Attachment
Article #: 11978
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Import Transactions
If you have numerous transactions to enter on screen 8949, you can request a trades import job from GruntWorx or complete your own spreadsheet and import the data into the return directly.
If you scan and upload a taxpayer's documents to GruntWorx, you can select a Trades add-on. In addition to an Organize PDF, you'll get an Excel file that you can import into Drake Tax that will complete Form 8949 entries. See GruntWorx - Populate or Trades Import for more information.
You can manually create an Excel spreadsheet and import it into Drake Tax. Watch the videos 8949 Import Options and 8949 Import Tool for more details about the process.
Summarize Entries
Generally, the IRS requires all sales and exchanges of capital assets, including stocks, bonds, etc., and real estate (if not reported on Form 4684, 4797, 6252, 6781, or 8824) to be entered on separate lines on Form 8949. There are two exceptions to this requirement detailed below.
Exception 1
Per the Form 8949 Instructions:
"You may be able to aggregate those transactions and report them directly on either line 1a (for short-term transactions) or line 8a (for long-term transactions) of Schedule D."
In Drake Tax:
Use the D2 screen to summarize the transactions as either long or short term. Enter the totals for proceeds and cost or other basis for short term in line 1a or long term in 8a.
Per IRS guidelines, no attachment is required:
"If you choose to report these transactions directly on Schedule D, you don't need to include them on Form 8949 and don't need to attach a statement."
Exception 2
Per the Form 8949 Instructions:
"Instead of reporting each of your transactions on a separate row of Part I or II, you can report them on an attached statement containing all the same information as Parts I and II and in a similar format... Enter the combined totals from all your attached statements on Parts I and II with the appropriate box checked..."
In Drake Tax:
Enter the following details on the 8949 screen:
Enter a description ending in See attached statement.
Do not enter a date acquired or date sold or disposed of in line 1b or 1c.
Choose the type of gain or loss as either long or short term (defaults to short term if not entered).
Complete lines 1d-1g, as applicable.
Select M in the drop list for Adjustment #1 under the column Form 8949 adjustment code.
The IRS requires an attachment for this entry to be filed with the return (PDF attachment) or submitted by paper with Form 8453 after e-filing the return.
To attach a PDF to the e-filed return, first compile and scan all the supporting documents and create a PDF file.
Suggested file names can be found at the bottom of screen 8949.
Drake Documents can also be used for this process.
See Drake Tax – e-File Attachments for details on creating and attaching a PDF.
Form 8453 can be filed to submit documentation for an e-filed return by paper.
To do this, mark the Form 8949 box under the Form 8453 Paper Document Indicators section of the EF screen.
Review the supporting statements and Form 8453 in View/Print and make any needed corrections.
e-File the return.
Print Form 8453, attach the Forms 8949 to it and mail to the IRS within 3 business days after receiving acknowledgment that the IRS has accepted the electronically filed tax return.
The 8453 does not need to be signed.
See Drake Tax - 8453 - Paper Document Indicator for details.