Drake Tax - NY Conviction Question
Article #: 14081
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Where to answer conviction question under NY State Penal Law Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20
The state of New York requires taxpayers to disclose specific conviction related information in order to be considered eligible for state credits. The conviction question can be answered in the following locations:
Package | NY Form | Data Entry Screen Location on States Tab > NY > |
1040 | IT-201/203 | Screen MISC, Miscellaneous Information |
1041 | IT-205 | Screen 1, IT-205 - General Information |
1120-S | CT-3-S | Screen 1, CT-3-S General Information |
1120 | CT-3 | Screen 9, CT-3- Part 7, Summary of Tax Credits |
1065 | IT-204 | Screen 8, 204 - Flow-through Credit Bases and Information |
This question is a required entry on NY returns and is worded slightly different depending on the return type. Be sure to completely read the question and answer it as applicable to the return.
Note The pronoun "You" is referring to the person/entity represented in the return, not the return preparer.
NY IT-201/203/210: Have you (or an entity of which you are an owner) been convicted of an offense, defined in New York State Penal Law Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20?
NY IT-205: Has the estate or trust (or an S corporation of which it was a shareholder, or partnership of which it was a partner) been convicted of Bribery Involving Public Servants and Related Offenses, Corrupting the Government, or Defrauding the Government (NYS Penal Law Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20)?
NY CT-3-S: Have you been convicted of an offense, or are you an owner of an entity convicted of an offense, defined in New York State Penal Law Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20?
NY CT-3: Have you been convicted of an offense, or are you an owner of an entity convicted of an offense, defined in New York State Penal Law, Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20?
NY IT-204: Has the partnership (or an entity of which the partnership is an owner) been convicted of Bribery Involving Public Servants and Related Offenses, Corrupting the Government, or Defrauding the Government (NYS Penal Law Article 200 or 496, or section 195.20)?
Note Failure to answer the NY Conviction question may result in certain NY credits being disallowed. This may be resolved by navigating in data entry to the location listed in the chart above and answering the applicable question.
For more information, see the specific instructions for the NY form that you are completing.