Drake Tax - 1040: Dependent Not Showing
Article #: 10419
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Dependent entered on screen 2 not produced in View/Print mode
If dependent information is not flowing to the individual return (1040) in View/Print mode, open the Name and Address screen (screen 1) in data entry and verify that neither taxpayer nor spouse are marked dependent of another.
Publication 501 includes an overview of the rules for claiming a dependent. One of the rules is: "You cannot claim any dependents if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer."
Other reasons why the dependent may not appear include:
Screen 2, Dependents, is marked as Not a dependent
Screen 2 is marked as Not a dependent - HOH qualifier
Screen 2 is marked Not a dependent - QSS qualifier
Screen 2, is marked as Not a dependent - ACA household member (for Form 8965 purposes ONLY) (Drake18 and prior)
The above fields are at the bottom of the dependents screen under Additional Information.
If a dependent still does not appear under the Dependents section of Form 1040, contact Drake Support at (828) 524-8020.