Drake Tax - Screen EIC

Article #: 17428

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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Screen EIC is available starting in Drake Tax 2021 and contains the following fields:

  • Prevent EIC from being calculated - Taxpayer does not qualify for EIC - If you have determined that the taxpayer does not qualify for EIC, or has chosen not to claim the credit, check the box to stop this calculation.

  • Include combat pay in EIC calculations - if you wish to include nontaxable combat pay in earned income to claim EIC, check this box.

  • Exclude Medicare waiver payments from EIC calculations drop list - Choose whether to exclude Medicare Waiver Payments from EIC calculations.

    • T - Exclude Taxpayer's Medicare Waiver Payments only

    • S - Exclude Spouse's Medicare Waiver Payments only

    • X - Exclude both Taxpayer's and Spouse's Medicare Waiver Payments

  • Investment income adjustment - Used to adjust the amount on Wk_EIC4, line 10.

  • Married Filing Separately Claiming EIC - If the taxpayer is claiming filing status MFS, but qualifies to claim EIC, check the appropriate box.